At last, after planning it for sometimes, we will soon have our very own community orchard. My personal thanks to Sime Darby and especially to En.Rizal for making this project possible.
Nevertheless, the project has just begun, there a lot more planning to be made, the residents contributions in term of time, effort and monetary will be required in order to make the project successful.
I'll come up the detail plan of the project implementation soon ...
Went to the site this evening to have a look, planting of trees in progress and should be completed soon. The walk paths are yet to be compacted. Varieties of trees such as Sukun, tampoi, jering and some rambutan and durian has been planted.
On the herbal garden site, you'll have the normal pokok kari, daun pandan, halia etc etc. In the future, you can collect daun sireh for preparing sireh junjung for kenduri kahwin...
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